What are Yellow Flags in My Relationship and What Do They Mean? Tips From a Los Angeles Couples Therapist

What are Yellow Flags in My Relationship and What Do They Mean? Tips From a Los Angeles Couples Therapist

There is a lot of talk about red and green flags in the dating world. Is this person a consistent communicator? Green flag! My date doesn’t take accountability for their mistakes? Red flag!

But what about yellow flags, especially in marriages and long-term relationships? Yellow flags are a marker of where your relationship may be experiencing some tension. They are the perfect invitation to not only seek out couples therapy. But to work on the health and long-term fulfillment of your partnership. The accessibility of online couples therapy at Therapy for Adults makes it easier to keep your relationship on track.

Heightened emotion, or reacting versus responding to seemingly trivial occurrences

Occurances especially over issues that have been easy to resolve in the past. Often, yellow flags are present when we get inordinately reactive or defensive. Continue reading “What are Yellow Flags in My Relationship and What Do They Mean? Tips From a Los Angeles Couples Therapist”